Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yakitori is yaki-yummy :)

Kat made us yakitori for lunch and since Rob didn't need a bento today, I decided to pack mine into a bento.  Back in October, I rejoined Weight Watchers and have been trying to get back on track after the week of Christmas and New Years - after all that eating and drinking for a week or so straight, it's hard to get myself back on plan!
This bento came out to 9 points - a little more than I usually like to use for a lunch, but it gave me all my all my fruit and veggie servings for the day and an oil (ok, WW doesn't list sesame oil, but I count it anyway - for no more than 1 oil in a day).
I also would have preferred to have brown rice, but Kat had already made medium grain white rice.  C'est la Vie!  Maybe next time (and I actually prefer brown rice).

First I added 1/2 cup rice and then added the Green Giant Teriyaki vegetable to which I added a tsp spicy szechuan sauce and a little soy sauce.
I drizzled a teaspoon hot sesame oil over the veggies and rice and sprinkled on a little shiso fumi (beefsteak) furikake - I love the purple color of this furikake :)
In the other tier, I first added the Japanese pickled cabbage that Kat made a couple days ago, then trimmed down the skewers of the yakitori to fit into my box.  I put those along each side and added another couple cabbage pieces to cover the skewer ends.
I then stuck a Valentines cupcake cup for the clementine so that the sauce from the yakitori wouldn't get all over them.
 Just to fill in the little bit of extra space, I added an apple and a kiwi gummy - though I didn't end up eating them.
I then sprinkled a little carrot on the cabbage just to add a little bit of extra color.
Kat opted to have hers on other Japanese dishes rather than a bento box:
She had sweet simmered sweet potatoes and no teriyaki veggies.

Yakitori is made with what is essentially a teriyaki sauce.  Kat didn't just use a bottled teriyaki sauce - No way!  lol
Here is her recipe:

Teriyaki sauce

1/3 c sugar
1/3 c sake
1/3 c mirin
1/3 c soy sauce
garlic and ginger
1/2 tsp Hon-Dashi Bonito Fish Soup Stock
(almost like a boullion powder)

She doesn't measure the garlic and ginger, but uses maybe about a tsp of each